Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Meet your meat.

Every time u eat meat, eggs or dairy, U are supporting RAPE, the kill of innocent babies, U're supporting pain, misery, torture, murder. Ur body's being a graveyard & the blood of innocents, is in ur hands. They deserve to live & to be loved, just like we do. U won't eat ur pet (dog/cat), right? Then, what's the difference between them? They all feel pain, they all bleed, they have a heart! Think about it, be Vegan!

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

NEGOTIATION IS OVER – Fuck With Vivisectors From Home – A Mini-Guide

NEGOTIATION IS OVER – Fuck With Vivisectors From Home – A Mini-Guide

En este link se proveen todas las maneras en las que puedes fastidiar a los responsables del abuso de los animales, no tan solo a los laboratorios y fabricas, sino a los exportadores y a los criadores de animales para laboratorios.

1. Llamadas molestas. "Prank Calls".

2. Spam automatizado de teléfono celular, teléfono fijo, correo y correo electrónico. "Automated spamming for cell phone, home phone, mailbox, and email".

3. Cerrar temporalmente una cuenta. "Temporarily shutting an account".

4. El cierre de su cuenta de AdSense. "Shutting down his adsense account".

Hay muchas formas de fastidiarlos para que paren ya con el horrible, barbárico y cruel uso de animales para la vivisección!!

Ya basta! Por los que no tienen voz, has tu parte y se su voz.